David A. Opperman, M.D.
Colorado Voice Clinic, Denver, CO
Founder and CEO
Colorado Voice Clinic utilizes the most advanced diagnostic equipment, including videostroboscopy and laser technology, to treat voice and laryngeal diseases, particularly in patients who work in the entertainment industry.
Highly trained in the latest Otolaryngology techniques, founding physician David Opperman provides caring treatment, clear communication with patients and informative updates to primary care physicians regarding patient diagnoses and treatment plans.
Patients include performers, politicians, television anchors, public speakers and attorneys.
Global Voice Care, Littleton, CO
Founder and CEO
FX Training, LLC, Littleton, CO
Co-founder, Central Region Director
Pyrotechnics Guild International, Inc.
Chairperson, Committee for the Development of Proximate Pyrotechnic Certification Course
Flash Point Entertainment, Inc., Littleton, CO
Founder and CEO
American Board of Otolaryngology, Diplomat, 2007-present
Porter Robotics Institute, Denver, CO, Board member
ImThera Medical, San Diego, CA, Medical advisory board
Affiliated with top-notch hospitals in Colorado and California, including Porter Adventist Hospital, Rose Medical Center, Swedish Medical Center, Sky Ridge Medical Center, Craig Hospital, Select Specialty Hospital and Spalding Rehabilitation Hospital in CO and UCLA Medical Centers in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, CA.
Member of several professional organizations, including:
American Academy of Otolaryngology, Member, 2002-present
Hobart Amory Hare Honor Medical Society, Member, 1999-present
Pyrotechnic Guild International, Inc., Safety/Fire and Medical Response Team, Member, 1992-2001
Voice Foundation, Supporting member, present
Academy of Magical Arts, Associate member, 2006-present
UCLA, Los Angeles
Fellowship in Laryngology and Disorders of the Voice, Department of Head and Neck Surgery, 2006-2007
Conducted research and worked in a clinical setting during a yearlong fellowship. Focus areas included Laryngology, neurolaryngology and care of the professional voice.
Earned a Master of Science in Otolaryngology, 2006
Resident, Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, 2002-2006
Trained under the direction of Dr. George L. Adams.
Leading a team of three co-investigators, recorded and analyzed acoustic and videostroboscopic data obtained from a group of 20 professional dinner theater performers.
Leading a team of two co-investigators, tracked impact of vocal injuries in performing artists for use in resolving issues related to vocal fatigue and vocal overuse.
INTERN, Department of General Surgery, 2001-2002
Studied general surgery, patient care and operating room procedures.
JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia
Earned a Doctor of Medicine, 2001
Graduated in the top 25 percent of the class
Earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology, 1996
Graduated Cum Laude
Studied general coursework, 1992-1993
Paparella Award from the International Hearing Foundation, Inc. in recognition of
superior research in otology, 2006
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, Minneapolis 2001-2006
Principal Investigator, Department of Otolaryngology
Conducted two grant-funded research projects: "Stroboscopic and Acoustic Analysis with Observations in Professional Dinner Theater Singers" and "Spontaneous Hearing Threshold Shifts in Concert Attendees."
The dinner theater singers project involved acquiring and designing an acoustic and videostroboscopic databank for further research within the department.
The concert research resulted in the publication: Opperman, David A. "Hearing Loss in the Modern Concert Environment." Thesis (M.S.)誘niversity of Minnesota, 2006.
Research Assistant
Working in Jefferson Medical College, under the direction of Robert T. Sataloff, M.D., D.M.A., conducted research on chemotherapy's effects on the voice, which resulted in the manuscript: Opperman, David A., Solimando, Jr., Dominic A., M.A. Pharm. D.; Sataloff, Robert T., M.D.; D.M.A.; "Cancer Chemotherapy: An Overview and Voice Implications." National Association of Teachers of Singing, Journal of Singing, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 57-60. 1999.
Research Assistant
Under the advisement of Peak Woo, M.D., researched the biomechanics of the canine larynx, which resulted in the publication of: J. Pieter Noordzij, David A. Opperman, Donald F. Perrault, Jr., and Peak Woo, "The Biomechanics of the Medialization Laryngoplasty (Thyroplasty Type 1) in an ex vivo Canine Model." Journal of Voice, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 372-382. Singular Publishing Group. 1998.
Research Assistant
Under the direction of Ronald Scherer, Ph.D., performed voice research, including work on a wax model of a 12-year-old larynx.
Goates, Jeffrey J., Metzdorff, Mark T., Musani, Ali I., Opperman, David A., and Seaman, Joseph C., "Tracheal Paraganglioma: An Unusual Neoplasm of the Upper Airway." Annals of Thoracic Surgery May 2012: 1717+.
Craig, Crystal A., Hawkshaw, Mary J., Opperman, David A., and Sataloff, Robert T., "Pyrotechnics in the entertainment industry: an update." Journal of Singing 67.3 (2011): 303+.
Hart, Catherine, Opperman, David A., Gulbahce, Evin, and Adams, George, "Branchial cleft cyst: A rare diagnosis in a 91-year-old patient." Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 135.6 (2006): 955+.
Levine, Samuel, Opperman, DA, Reifman W., and Schlauch, R. "Incidence of spontaneous hearing threshold shifts during modern concert performances." Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 134.4 (2006): 667+.
Dave A. Opperman, M.D., assisted in the compilation of Display Operator Certification Study Guide, edited by John Steinberg, M.D. and Michael S. Swisher. Pyrotechnics Guild International, Inc. Edition: August 2003.
Mattingly, J. Larry, Opperman, David A., and Pilkerton, Francis "Pinky", "Proximate Special Effects: Familiarization and Safety." American Fireworks News, 2002.
David A. Opperman, M.D., assisted in the creation of the following: Friedman, Oren and Edmund A. Pribitkin. "Papillary carcinoma in a thyroglossal duct remnant. (Clinical Challenges in Otolaryngology)." Archives of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery Apr. 2002: 461+.
Opperman, David A., Solimando, Jr., Dominic A., M.A. Pharm. D.; Sataloff, Robert T., M.D.; D.M.A.; "Cancer Chemotherapy: An Overview and Voice Implications." National Association of Teachers of Singing, Journal of Singing, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 57-60. 1999.
Noordzij, J. Pieter, Opperman, David A, Perrault, Jr., Donald F., and Woo, Peak, "The Biomechanics of the Medialization Laryngoplasty (Thyroplasty Type 1) in an ex vivo Canine Model." Journal of Voice, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 372-382. Singular Publishing Group. 1998.
Opperman, David A, contributing author of two chapters: "Pyrotechnics in the Entertainment Industry: An Overview" and "Cancer Chemotherapy: An Overview and Voice Implications" (with Solimando, Jr., Dominic A. and Sataloff, Robert Thayer) published in Professional Voice, The Science and Art of Clinical Care, 3rd ed., three-volume set, edited by Robert T. Sataloff, M.D., D.M.A., July 2005.
Oral presentations
"Pediatric ENT Emergencies" and "Spasmodic Dysphonia." Grand Rounds, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Colorado, January 2012.
"Endoscopic Evaluation and Injections for Voice and Swallow Disorders in Neurological Patients." Spalding Rehabilitation Hospital, Aurora, CO, Jan. 21, 2010.
"Incidence of Spontaneous Hearing Threshold Shifts During Modern Concert Performances." Minnesota Academy of Otolaryngology Midwinter Conference, Minneapolis, Jan. 21, 2006.
"Incidence of Spontaneous Hearing Threshold Shifts During Modern Concert Performances." American Academy of Otolaryngology, Los Angeles, Sept. 26, 2005, with William Reifman, NPPA; Robert S. Schlauch, Ph.D.; Samuel C. Levine, M.D.
"Incidence of Abnormal Strobovideolaryngoscopic - Findings in Dinner Theater Performers." Voice Foundation's 33rd annual symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, Philadelphia, June 2-6, 2004, with William Reifman, NPPA; Deirdre D Michael, CCC/SLP; George S Goding Jr., M.D.
"Association of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux with Exposure to Anhydrous Ammonia." Otolaryngology Grand Rounds, University of Minnesota, September 2003.
"Pediatric Facial Nerve Schwannoma." Facial Nerve Subcommittee of the American Academy of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Foundation 2003 annual meeting, Orlando, FL, Sept. 21-24, 2003, with Samuel C. Levine, M.D.
"Facial Nerve Schwannoma: A Pediatric Case report in an 18-month-old." Otology Grand Rounds, University of Minnesota, March 2003.
"The Biomechanics of the Medialization Laryngoplasty (Thyroplasty Type 1) in an ex vivo, Canine Model." Voice Foundation's 25th annual symposium: Care of the Professional Voice and the International Association of Phonosurgeons' 4th International Symposium on Phonosurgery, Philadelphia, June 8, 1996, with J. Pieter Noordzij, Donald F. Perrault, Jr., Peak Woo.
Poster Presentations
"Association of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux with Exposure to Anhydrous Ammonia." Voice Foundation's 33rd annual symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, Philadelphia, June 2-6, 2004, with Erik P. Severson, B.A.; Frank Ondrey, M.D., Ph.D.
"Facial Nerve Schwannoma: A Pediatric Case Report in an 18-Month-Old." Triological Society, 107th annual meeting, Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa, Phoenix, April 30-May 3, 2004, with Francis L. Hobson, M.D.; Eric Nussbaum, M.D.; and Samuel Levine, M.D.
"Association of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux with Exposure to Anhydrous Ammonia." American Academy of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Foundation 2003 annual meeting, Orlando, FL, Sept. 21-24, 2003, with Erik P. Severson, B.A.; Frank Ondrey, M.D., Ph.D.
"25 reasons the Denver music scene rules" By Dave Herrera Westword, January 30, 2013.
"Speak up! The Colorado Voice Clinic thinks every person has the right to be heard." By Dave Herrera Westword, July 15, 2009.
Bloom, Sara. "New hearing conservation initiatives: small steps with great potential." The Hearing Journal Jan. 2006: 23+.
"Noisy toys: annoying or harmful?" Sight & Sounds, Winter 2005-2006.
"Protect Your Hearing At Concerts." Echoes - The Children's Hearing Institute, Autumn 2005.
"World Voice Day," Channel 9 News, Denver.